Active Architecture Blog Returns

Active Architecture Blog Returns

photo by cottonbro studio

Welcome to our first blog post of 2023.

After a bit of a hiatus, Active Architecture Blog returns to spring forward from where it was back in 2018. If you were following us, there’s been some changes: notably a new logo and website. 

Since then, I have been having fun learning about business growing pains. Managing an office with more than one staff member, navigating the roller coaster that Covid 19 brought us, and sustaining a business through the uncertain economic environment we currently find ourselves in. Interestingly, Active Architecture found its way back full circle to being a solo practice as it was when the blog started. 

I wish to acknowledge the fabulous team I had alongside me on that journey. Active Architecture would not be the practice it is today without the energy, talent, dynamic personalities and tremendous efforts they contributed. I would have them back in a flash if I could. The current situation has provided us however, with new opportunities. New directions, time for consolidation, reflection and rebuilding.

Curious Journeys.

With that in mind, I have recently been considering how a journey links all aspects of business and life. This pondering has led me to set up the Active Architecture Curiosity Center.

I have named it Curiosity Centre as I believe that no journey would start without an initial burst of curiosity. A desire to discover new things and a better understanding of what we already know. 

These pages will provide a vehicle through which I can offer insight and discovery. A place where you can bring thoughts, questions and suggestions. I would love to know about the things you see as issues in need of consideration in your interactions with the building industry. It may be building work, systems, building professionals, consultants, contractors, tradespeople for example. Your pain points essentially, but also positive experiences. From those, I can focus more on what matters to you. I will gather your curiosities to understand mine and vice versa. 

Collecting Thoughts.

The idea is this: the Curiosity Collector will collect your thoughts, and I will explore and respond to them. That response will be showcased either in a blog post, feature (such as the Schedule 1 Project that I am currently working on), or in the services/products offered.

Additionally, I am also very interested in delving into how technology can help enable interactions with you more efficiently. In tandem with curiosity gathering, I will be on a product discovery journey. These discoverings (intentional spelling!) will also be available in the Curiosity Centre for further interaction with you. We can collaboratively fuse our curiosities into a more efficient and cost-effective way forward.

So, please feel free to peruse our Curiosity Centre pages. In particular, our first Curiosity Project Schedule 1 Works, which will be the subject of my next post.

Until then, I will leave you with the following quote that sums up the essence of the Curiosity Centre quite well. 

Thanks for reading.

Michael Bennington

Director Active Architecture Ltd.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Walt Disney

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